"Når vi arbejder på vores kunst, arbejder kunsten samtidig på os."
Nyt kursus i akvarel maling for begyndere og øvede starter i København d. 25. februar 2025.
Kurser & Workshops
8 ugers akvarel kursus / 25. Februar
Blomster i akvarel / 23.-25. Maj
Workshop i farveteori / 27. April
Mal med kaffe /
2. Marts & 19. April
Hej og velkommen
Mit navn er Ida og jeg er billedkunstner med passion for at undervise og faciliterer kreative processer. Med en faglig baggrund i socialpsykologi og coaching interesserer jeg mig for menneskers psykiske liv og udvikling, og hvordan kunst og kunstneriske processer kan bruges til at forbedre mental sundhed og skabe eller styrke sociale bånd.
Jeg kalder min virksomhed for Art Connects fordi jeg mener, at det er det som kunsten kan – forbinde. Den kan forbinder os med vores tanker, følelser, fantasi og visioner eller med naturen, verden og med hinanden. Den kan forbinde det indre liv med den ydre verden.
Derfor finder jeg stor glæde i at hjælpe andre mennesker med at forbinde sig til deres indre kunstner og udfolde de mange muligheder der gemmer sig i deres kreativitet. Tak for at besøge min side – lad os sammen udforske kunstens magi!

Tilpassede workshops for virksomheder og private
Leder du efter en sjov og lærerig aktivitet til din næste fødselsdagsfest, teambuilding eller julefrokost? Så er et af mine kunst workshops måske lige det du søger. Du vælger selv din foretrukne kreative aktivitet og lokation. Du kan vælge selv at stå for materiale eller lade mig stå for det nødvendige. Jeg bruger altid kunstmaterialer af høj kvalitet for at sikre den bedste oplevelse. Workshoppen vil blive tilpasset efter arrangementets sammensætning og antal deltagere og prisen afhænger herfa. Læs om alle de forskellige kreative aktiviteter jeg tilbyder nedenfor.
Udtalelser fra kursister
I’m proud to announce that I have been selected as one of the 15 artists representing Denmark at @fabrianoinacquarello and as one of the less than 30 worldwide selected artist out of almost 2000 participants from around 80 different contries to be represented in the “International category”.
Fabriano in Aquarello is the world’s largest watercolor festival to date. It takes place in Bologna and Fabriano 24 - 27 April 2025.
When you paint a painting you never know where that painting will go or take you. Without the help of @mettedaa and @valmincharlotte this painting would not have gotten this recognition or even made the journey to italy. I owe a huge thank you!
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling #fabrianoinacquarello #fabriano

I’m proud to announce that I have been selected as one of the 15 artists representing Denmark at @fabrianoinacquarello and as one of the less than 30 worldwide selected artist out of almost 2000 participants from around 80 different contries to be represented in the “International category”.
Fabriano in Aquarello is the world’s largest watercolor festival to date. It takes place in Bologna and Fabriano 24 - 27 April 2025.
When you paint a painting you never know where that painting will go or take you. Without the help of @mettedaa and @valmincharlotte this painting would not have gotten this recognition or even made the journey to italy. I owe a huge thank you!
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling #fabrianoinacquarello #fabriano ...
I’m starting to come out of my winter hibernation and want to share a bit about what’s new in my company and what courses and workshop I’m offering this spring.
• Watercolors course in @exlibriscph /starting February 29th
• Coffee painting workshop in @exlibriscph / March 2th and April 19th
• Online coffee painting / March 9th
• Color theory workshop in @kreatimastudio_danmark / April 27th
• 3 days course in watercolor floral painting in Mantziusgården / May 23th - 25th
All information is written in Danish and English at my website www.idaglad.com.
Read more and sign up through the link in my bio.

I’m starting to come out of my winter hibernation and want to share a bit about what’s new in my company and what courses and workshop I’m offering this spring.
• Watercolors course in @exlibriscph /starting February 29th
• Coffee painting workshop in @exlibriscph / March 2th and April 19th
• Online coffee painting / March 9th
• Color theory workshop in @kreatimastudio_danmark / April 27th
• 3 days course in watercolor floral painting in Mantziusgården / May 23th - 25th
All information is written in Danish and English at my website www.idaglad.com.
Read more and sign up through the link in my bio. ...
My latest watercolor titled: “I’m sorry I didn’t do more”
It reflects what I believe to be an archetypal feeling that I sometimes experience as a mother or simply as a human being. It can relate to almost anything, from helping with homework to climate activism.
At its core, it’s a parental instinct to do whatever it takes to ensure that your child has a bright and easy life and a good future.
It’s also a reflection of the uncertainty vibrating in the world right now and the awareness that, in reality, you could always do a little bit more than you already do. For your child or for the world’s children, for a friend or just for a stranger in need.
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling

My latest watercolor titled: “I’m sorry I didn’t do more”
It reflects what I believe to be an archetypal feeling that I sometimes experience as a mother or simply as a human being. It can relate to almost anything, from helping with homework to climate activism.
At its core, it’s a parental instinct to do whatever it takes to ensure that your child has a bright and easy life and a good future.
It’s also a reflection of the uncertainty vibrating in the world right now and the awareness that, in reality, you could always do a little bit more than you already do. For your child or for the world’s children, for a friend or just for a stranger in need.
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling ...
The making of a painting.
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling

The making of a painting.
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling ...
Watercolor of my nephews Salve and Ariel. A Christmas gift for my sister.
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling

Watercolor of my nephews Salve and Ariel. A Christmas gift for my sister.
#watercolor #watercolorart #watercolorwonder #watercolors #watercoloring #watercolorportrait #portrait #akvarelportrætmaleri #portræt #akvarel #akvarell #akvarelmaling ...