Art Connects

"Når vi arbejder på vores kunst, arbejder kunsten samtidig på os."

Nyt kursus i akvarel maling for begyndere og øvede starter i Februar 2025.

Kurser & Workshops

5-10 ugers kursus i akvarel maling

Blomstermotiver i akvarel / 23.-25. Maj

Akvarel weekend for øvede elever

Lær at male smukke motiver med kaffe

Hej og velkommen

Mit navn er Ida og jeg er billedkunstner med passion for at undervise og faciliterer kreative processer. Med en faglig baggrund i socialpsykologi og coaching interesserer jeg mig for menneskers psykiske liv og udvikling, og hvordan kunst og kunstneriske processer kan bruges til at forbedre mental sundhed og skabe eller styrke sociale bånd.

Jeg kalder min virksomhed for Art Connects fordi jeg mener, at det er det som kunsten kan – forbinde. Den kan forbinder os med vores tanker, følelser, fantasi og visioner eller med naturen, verden og med hinanden. Den kan forbinde det indre liv med den ydre verden.

Derfor finder jeg stor glæde i at hjælpe andre mennesker med at forbinde sig til deres indre kunstner og udfolde de mange muligheder der gemmer sig i deres kreativitet. Tak for at besøge min side – lad os sammen udforske kunstens magi!


Tilpassede workshops for virksomheder og private

Leder du efter en sjov og lærerig aktivitet til din næste fødselsdagsfest, teambuilding eller julefrokost? Så er et af mine kunst workshops måske lige det du søger. Du vælger selv din foretrukne kreative aktivitet og omgivelser. Arrangementet kan afholdes på dit valgte sted eller i Art Escape Studio på Østerbro. Du kan vælge at medbringe dit eget materiale eller lade mig stå for det nødvendige. Jeg bruger altid kunstmaterialer af høj kvalitet for at sikre den bedste oplevelse. Workshoppen vil blive tilpasset efter arrangementets sammensætning og antal deltagere og prisen afhænger herfa. Læs om alle de forskellige kreative aktiviteter jeg tilbyder nedenfor.

Udtalelser fra kursister

Find mig på instagram
Today my medicine is a monochromatic watercolor horse study. It’s good to know how to dose your medicine. That’s why I’m painting small things that don’t challenge me too much so I can just relax with it.  My life has been rather stressful the last couple of weeks and I’m still recovering from the delivery of my thesis in social-psychology.  My thesis is about the use of art / craft in recovery processes or regaining mental health and that’s why I keep referring to 
painting or art as medicine.  Obviously not as in a traditional understanding of medicine, but as something that does something to me/us, that can be hard to articulate or pinpoint.  In simple terms, I would just say that it brings me back to myself - and believe me, there’s nothing like social psychological theory that can make you question everything about yourself. Sometimes it drives me to a point where’s I’m not even sure what the point of it is.  It’s different with painting. I always know what the point of it is - not on an abstract or theoretical level, but on a very into-the-body-instant reward-feeling kind of way.  I’m very grateful to have such a practice in my life and to be able to explore, both on a personal level and now also on a broader level, why these practices matters so much, regardless of the collective neglect of it in society at large.  #painting #paintingformentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #art #artpractice #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorpainting #akvarel

Today my medicine is a monochromatic watercolor horse study. It’s good to know how to dose your medicine. That’s why I’m painting small things that don’t challenge me too much so I can just relax with it.

My life has been rather stressful the last couple of weeks and I’m still recovering from the delivery of my thesis in social-psychology.

My thesis is about the use of art / craft in recovery processes or regaining mental health and that’s why I keep referring to
painting or art as medicine.

Obviously not as in a traditional understanding of medicine, but as something that does something to me/us, that can be hard to articulate or pinpoint.

In simple terms, I would just say that it brings me back to myself - and believe me, there’s nothing like social psychological theory that can make you question everything about yourself. Sometimes it drives me to a point where’s I’m not even sure what the point of it is.

It’s different with painting. I always know what the point of it is - not on an abstract or theoretical level, but on a very into-the-body-instant reward-feeling kind of way.

I’m very grateful to have such a practice in my life and to be able to explore, both on a personal level and now also on a broader level, why these practices matters so much, regardless of the collective neglect of it in society at large.

#painting #paintingformentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #art #artpractice #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorpainting #akvarel

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